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Tuition Fee
EUR 8,000
Per course
Start Date
Medium of studying
12 months
Program Facts
Program Details
Dentistry | Oral Surgery | Prosthodontics
Area of study
Education type
Full time
Course Language
Tuition Fee
Average International Tuition Fee
EUR 8,000
Program start dateApplication deadline
About Program

Program Overview

This Second Level Master Program in Surgical Extractions and Implant-Prosthetic Rehabilitation offers a blended learning format with online modules and an in-person session in Italy. The program covers topics such as anatomical considerations, post-extractive implants, bone reconstruction procedures, and prosthetic components. It aims to equip clinicians with the skills to diagnose, treat, and rehabilitate patients requiring surgical extractions and implant prosthetic solutions.

Program Outline


Frontal Lectures:

  • 150 hours

Session 1:

  • Online modules from October 10-15, 2022.
  • 6 days online

Session 2:

  • Online lectures between November and July.
  • 6 lectures in total.

Session 3:

  • Online lectures between January and July.
  • 5 additional online lectures.

Session 4:

  • First day in Camaiore, Italy followed by 5 days in Rome, Italy.
  • Dates are September 23-29, 2023.
  • 6 days of in-person sessions.

Teaching Modules:

  • MOD 1: Anatomical and Biological Considerations in Oral Surgery:
  • Exploring bone biology, remodeling, and response to implants.
  • Diagnosing and managing hopeless teeth.
  • Extraction surgical techniques.
  • Developing a treatment plan.
  • MOD 2: Post Extractive Implants:
  • Post-extraction bone remodeling and preservation.
  • MOD 3: Bone Reconstruction Procedures:
  • Deep dive into bone regeneration, biomaterials, and reconstruction techniques.
  • Mastering soft-tissue management around implants and maxillo-facial surgery approaches.
  • MOD 4: Prosthetic Components and Solutions:


Teaching Methodology and Educational Program

  • The Second Level Master Program employs a theoretical and practical approach to surgical extractions and implant-prosthetic rehabilitation.
  • Lectures and practical laboratory activities provide fundamental theoretical and methodological knowledge.

Teaching Mode and Attendance

  • Blended learning format with online modules and a final in-person session in Italy.
  • Minimum 75% attendance required for the Second Level Master Program.
  • Final session includes one day in Camaiore and five days at Unicamillus University with the final exam and a graduation dinner.

Teaching Staff::

  • Program director: Prof. Ugo Covani
  • Co-director: Prof. Young Sam Kim
  • Other instructors:
  • Dr. Angelo Cardarelli
  • Dr. Saverio Cosola
  • Dr. Enrica Giammarinaro
  • Dr. Simone Marconcini
  • Dr. Giovanni Menchini Fabris
  • The program is intended for dentists and medical doctors with specialization in dentistry.
  • The official language of the program is English.
  • Minimum of 15 and a maximum of 30 students can be admitted to the Second Level Master Program.

The partecipation fee is 8.000 € to be paied in 3 intervalls of the same : Euro 3.000 + Euro 50 DUTY STAMPS = tot 3.050 → by 10/09/2022 (Together with the submission of the application for admission) Euro 2.500 → by 10/11/2022 Euro 2.500 by 10/03/2023