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Tuition Fee
USD 22,375
Per year
Start Date
Medium of studying
On campus
36 months
Program Facts
Program Details
Electronics Engineering | Electrical Engineering | Electronics and Automation
Area of study
Education type
On campus
Full time
Course Language
Tuition Fee
Average International Tuition Fee
USD 22,375
Program start dateApplication deadline
About Program

Program Overview

Our research activity and supervision for MPhil Electronic Systems Engineering is concentrated in the following principal research areas: audio and video networking, multimedia architectures and applications, data communications and networking, RF engineering, radio, radar and electromagnetics, propagation, video, image processing and computer vision. Our cross-disciplinary projects draw on the expertise of our electronic engineers, computer scientists, mathematicians, physicists and psychologists. We are one of the largest and best resourced schools in the UK. Our work is supported by extensive networked computer facilities and software aids, together with a wide range of test and instrumentation equipment. Our research covers a range of topics, from semiconductor device physics, the theory of computation and the philosophy of computer science, computational intelligence and computer games, to artificial intelligence and robotics, with most of our research groups based around laboratories offering world-class facilities. Our impressive external research funding stands at multi-million pounds per year and we participate in a number of EU initiatives and undertake projects under contract to many outside bodies, including government and industrial organisations. Why we're great.
  • Our research covers a range of topics, from materials science and semiconductor device physics, to the theory of computation and the philosophy of computer science, with most of our research groups based around laboratories offering world-class facilities.
  • We are one of the largest and best resourced schools in the UK. Our work is supported by extensive networked computer facilities and software aids, together with a wide range of test and instrumentation equipment.
  • We provide an active and stimulating environment to carry out your research.

Our expert staff

Studying for your MPhil involves person-to-person interaction with your supervisor, who will guide you in developing your chosen research topic, refine your research skills, and advise you in capitalising on the technical knowledge you already have from your taught degree. Supervisors often keep in touch with their MPhil graduates throughout their careers, and may work on scientific collaborations with them after they finish their doctorate.

Specialist facilities

Our School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering provides six laboratories exclusively for computer science and electronic engineering students. Three of our software labs are open for 24 hours a day including weekends and you have free access to the labs except when there is a scheduled practical class in progress. Our labs are managed by an experienced and dedicated team of technical support staff who can assist you with most practical aspects of the curriculum - for example, advising on how to overcome programming problems. Our BCI Lab comprises 70m² within our School. It is divided in four experimental areas, one of them being shielded against EM interference, and is one of the best equipped facilities for non-invasive BCI research in Europe. Our equipment includes: five EEG systems (two Biosemi ActiveTwo systems, 64 and 128 channels, respectively; two 32-channel gTec systems, and a 24-channel Mindset system), a 24-channel near infra-red system, a 16-channel Nexus EMG system (plus 8-channels for other physiological signals), a Jazz eye tracker, a MagStim BitStim transcranial magnetic stimulation system, many Biometrics Ltd electrogoniometers and accelerometers, two Edubot robotic manipulators, three Lego NXT robots, three virtual reality systems, and four Bionics electrically-controlled medical chairs, aside from the necessary computer equipment to interface with the above devices. We also have a 182-processor Viglen/Rocks cluster dedicated to our research. Our Brooker Robotics Lab (a PC environment with 30 dual boot PCs) is equipped with about 25 mobile robots (of three different types) and ten miniature 'intelligent' rooms, and is used for intelligent embedded systems and robotics work. A range of specialist software is used, most notably a cross-development system called Tornado (the latest version of VxWorks: the software used in the recent Pathfinder project for the Mars Explorer vehicle) for developing embedded systems. Our Robot Arena is a 100m² laboratory with a six metre ceiling height for flying robots. It has one of the world largest powered lab floors for long duration experiments of mobile robots. Our Robot Arena features a range of dedicated robotic equipment including a state-of-the-art 3D motion tracking system. Our Embedded Systems Laboratory provides software and hardware facilities for the design, construction and prototyping of a variety of embedded system solutions. The primary focus is to provide an environment where ARM based embedded systems can be prototyped and tested as part of a range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Sixteen dedicated, dual screen, workstations are provided together with a range of state of the art test equipment to support the development process. In addition a number of soldering stations are provided to enable the construction of custom designed hardware. Such hardware will be designed by you as part of the courses you undertake. Our video studio has facilities for both live television production and video recording. It is equipped with three SONY High Definition cameras (with another two available for location shoots), an 8-channel Panasonic video mixer, an 8-channel DigiDesign digital audio mixer with ProTools software, a talkback system and a 12-channel lighting rig with a Tempo 12 controller. Blue screen facilities are available to support chroma-keying in either live broadcasts or post-production. Post-production facilities include PCs supporting the Adobe video suite (Audition, After Effects, Premiere Pro and Encore) as well as five professional AVID Composer editing workstations. Our electronics laboratory is equipped with a standard set of modern bench equipment. The oscilloscopes are linked to networked PCs so that our students can capture waveforms from circuits under test and save the captured waveforms to their own personal networked disk space, from where they can later retrieve the saved waveforms for use in technical reports. The networked PC can also be used to access online lecture notes, and manufacturer's data sheets and catalogues on the Internet (and of course any other handy information on the Internet, such as tutorials, encyclopaedia articles, online library resources, that may be useful while working on a laboratory assignment or project work). Of course, there are also soldering irons and other wiring equipment, plus a stock of electronic components. Our teaching in networking requires you to configure and experiment with networks, which is, of course, not allowed in normal teaching laboratories. Therefore we have a specialised laboratory designed so that you can reconfigure the networking. This lab has 32 workstations, which are PCs with demountable hard disks. Once you have been issued with a disk, you are able to act as administrator/super user and install and configure not only the operating system (usually Windows XP or Redhat Fedora Linux), but also server software, networking software or anything else. The physical configuration of the network in the lab can also be modified by our students.

Your future

Studying within our School provides both the recent graduate and the practising engineer with an opportunity to gain new skills or enhance existing ones. Our graduates have progressed to a variety of senior positions in industry and academia. Some of the companies and organisations where our former graduates are now employed include: Electronic Data Systems, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals, Bank of Mexico, Visa International, Hyperknowledge (Cambridge), Hellenic Air Force, ICSS (Beijing), United Microelectronic Corporation (Taiwan), Alcatel Submarine, BT Group, QinetiQ, Dolby Laboratories, Fujitsu, Royal Air Forces, and within our University and Imperial College, London. Read more about computer science and electronic engineering career destinations here.

Program Outline

Course structure

A research degree doesn't have a taught structure, giving you the chance to investigate your chosen topic in real depth and reach a profound understanding. In communicating that understanding, through a thesis or other means, you have a rare opportunity to generate knowledge. A research degree allows you to develop new high-level skills, enhance your professional development and build new networks. It can open doors to many careers. We understand that deciding where and what to study is a very important decision for you. We’ll make all reasonable efforts to provide you with the courses, services and facilities as described on our website. However, if we need to make material changes, for example due to significant disruption, or in response to COVID-19, we’ll let our applicants and students know as soon as possible.


Components are the blocks of study that make up your course. A component may have a set module which you must study, or a number of modules from which you can choose. Each component has a status and carries a certain number of credits towards your qualification.
Status What this means
Core You must take the set module for this component and you must pass. No failure can be permitted.
Core with Options You can choose which module to study from the available options for this component but you must pass. No failure can be permitted.
Compulsory You must take the set module for this component. There may be limited opportunities to continue on the course/be eligible for the qualification if you fail.
Compulsory with Options You can choose which module to study from the available options for this component. There may be limited opportunities to continue on the course/be eligible for the qualification if you fail.
Optional You can choose which module to study from the available options for this component. There may be limited opportunities to continue on the course/be eligible for the qualification if you fail.
The modules that are available for you to choose for each component will depend on several factors, including which modules you have chosen for other components, which modules you have completed in previous years of your course, and which term the module is taught in.


Modules are the individual units of study for your course. Each module has its own set of learning outcomes and assessment criteria and also carries a certain number of credits. In most cases you will study one module per component, but in some cases you may need to study more than one module. For example, a 30-credit component may comprise of either one 30-credit module, or two 15-credit modules, depending on the options available. Modules may be taught at different times of the year and by a different department or school to the one your course is primarily based in. You can find this information from the module code . For example, the module code HR100-4-FY means:
HR 100 4 FY
The department or school the module will be taught by. In this example, the module would be taught by the Department of History. The module number. The UK academic level of the module. A standard undergraduate course will comprise of level 4, 5 and 6 modules - increasing as you progress through the course. A standard postgraduate taught course will comprise of level 7 modules. A postgraduate research degree is a level 8 qualification. The term the module will be taught in.
  • AU : Autumn term
  • SP : Spring term
  • SU : Summer term
  • FY : Full year
  • AP : Autumn and Spring terms
  • PS: Spring and Summer terms
  • AS: Autumn and Summer terms
Year 1 This module is for PhD students who are completing the research portions of their theses. View Computing and Electronic Systems - Research on our Module Directory


Our MPhil programme is usually two years full time, or four years part time study.