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Tuition Fee
USD 26,288
Per year
Start Date
Medium of studying
On campus
48 months
Program Facts
Program Details
Electromechanical Engineering | Warehousing
Area of study
Arts | Humanities
Education type
On campus
Full time
Course Language
Tuition Fee
Average International Tuition Fee
USD 26,288
Program start dateApplication deadline
About Program

Program Overview

Your time is split equally between the two subjects, with an equal focus on each. No prior knowledge of Russian is required.

Studying Russian means engaging deeply with learning a new language, which you will study in conjunction with an exploration of Russia’s culture, society and history. You will develop a sophisticated understanding of the way Russians think and feel, and of the cultural references that shape their identities.

At the same time, you’ll gain a solid grounding in the discipline of literary studies, choosing from a range of topics from modern fairy tales to First World War literature, and a host of themes from madness to migration.

You’ll spend your third year abroad, an exceptional opportunity to develop your language skills through immersion and boost your intercultural competence.

Program Outline


The Russian language modules you take will depend on your entry level. We offer separate classes for beginner, post-GCSE, post-A-level and native speakers.

  • Year 1
  • Year 2
  • Year 3
  • Year 4

  • Year 1

  • Culture and Language
  • Reading Contemporary Russia (for beginner or post-GCSE entrants only)
  • Russian language module (streamed according to entry level)
  • The Scene of Learning
  • Understanding Culture
  • Please note that all modules are subject to change.

    Year 2


  • Russian language module (streamed according to entry level)
  • The Scene of Reading
  • Russian Culture: Text and Context 2 ( for beginner or post-GCSE entrants only )

  • Choose from a range of modules including

  • Colonial Literatures, Post-Colonial Perspectives
  • Madness, Past and Present
  • Russian Novel: Self and Society
  • Short Stories and Important People: The Nineteenth Century
  • Please note that all modules are subject to change.

    Year 3

  • Year abroad
  • Please note that all modules are subject to change.

    Year 4


  • Russian language module (streamed according to entry level)
  • The Scene of Writing

  • Choose from a range of modules including

  • Contemporary Russian Film
  • Comparative Literature Research Project
  • Comparative Modernisms: the Case of China and India
  • Please note that all modules are subject to change.

    Year abroad

    You can choose to go to a university in Moscow, St Petersburg, Yaroslavl, Tver, Petrozavodsk, Kazan or our Erasmus partner Daugavpils University in a Russian-speaking part of Latvia. Our exchange programmes are with major state universities as well as with smaller-scale private schools.

    Find out more about study abroad opportunities at Queen Mary.


    Teaching and learning

    You’ll receive 10 to 15 hours of weekly contact time per module, in the form of lectures, seminars and language classes.

    You'll spend up to five hours per week in language classes – in small groups of no more than 20 for classroom or language lab teaching, and no more than 10 for oral and aural work.

    For every hour spent in class, you’ll complete a further two to three hours of independent study.


    Assessment typically includes a combination of coursework and exams, or coursework only, oral and aural exams, final-year dissertation, independent projects and creative journals.

    Resources and facilities

    The School offers excellent on-campus resources to aid your studies, including:

  • the Queen Mary library
  • the Multimedia Language Resource Centre, equipped with digital labs and resource rooms, teacher and student workstations, interactive whiteboards, and software for viewing live international satellite TV broadcasts
  • language clubs and social activities, including film screenings, discussion groups and debates
  • subscriptions to foreign newspapers and journals
  • guest speaker seminars, which allow you to hear from academics, researchers and experts from institutions in Europe and North America.

  • Learn another language

    If you’re interested in learning another language, you can sign up for a course at Queen Mary’s Language Centre, where you can choose from Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), French, German, Japanese, Bengali, Catalan, Italian or Spanish.


    Language graduates go into many different walks of life. Some obvious destinations are the Civil Service, management consultancy, the tourist industry or finance.

    Business and financial contacts between Britain and Russia have steadily expanded in the last twenty years, and many companies are keen to recruit speakers of both languages. Potential employers are likely to look favorably upon your willingness and ability to become fluent in a less commonly taught language.

    Recent graduates have been hired by:

  • Amnesty
  • the British Council
  • Ernst and Young
  • Exeter University.

  • Career support

    Final year students can attend two bespoke events: 'What a difference the year abroad makes', which highlights how the year abroad helps you stand out in the graduate job market, and 'Career avenues for literature students', which explains the wide range of career options and how studying comparative literature prepares students for these. Alumni share their own experience at both events.

    Our careers team can also offer:

  • specialist advice on choosing a career path
  • support with finding work experience, internships and graduate jobs
  • feedback on CVs, cover letters and application forms
  • interview coaching.
    How can I help you today?