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Tuition Fee
Per year
Start Date
Medium of studying
On campus
Program Facts
Program Details
Furniture Design | Interior Design | Product Design
Area of study
Arts | Design
Visual Communications Design | Interior Design Theory | Woodworking and Carpentry | Furniture Design and Manufacturing
Education type
On campus
Full time
Course Language
Program start dateApplication deadline
About Program

Program Overview

The Furniture Design MA at London Metropolitan University is a research-led and practice-based program that equips students with the knowledge and skills to design innovative furniture products and systems. The program emphasizes a collaborative and multidisciplinary approach, fostering responsible and ethical design practices. Graduates are prepared for careers in furniture design, interior design, product design, design research, and academia.

Program Outline

Furniture Design - MA

Degree Overview

This program at the London Metropolitan University is designed for graduates with backgrounds in furniture and related disciplines, or for those who want to collaborate with professionals in the field. It is a research-led and practice-based program that aims to address the needs and challenges of the furniture industry and broader design sector. The program focuses on equipping students with the knowledge and skills to design furniture products and systems that meet future demands. It emphasizes a collaborative and multidisciplinary approach, fostering innovation and design solutions for emerging needs. The program is grounded in the understanding that design is a key driver for positive social and environmental change. It emphasizes responsible and ethical practices, encouraging students to combine experimentation and radical thinking with care, effective research, and collaboration with stakeholders. The course curriculum emphasizes both theoretical and practical aspects of furniture design. Students will explore various research methodologies, design theories, material exploration, and advanced manufacturing processes. They will also gain hands-on experience through workshops, studio work, and possible live projects. Graduates of the Furniture Design MA are expected to have the ability to:

  • Design innovative furniture products and systems that are functional, aesthetically pleasing, and respond to real-world challenges.
  • Conduct thorough research and analyze user needs and market trends to inform their design decisions.
  • Apply advanced technical and manufacturing knowledge to develop and realize their design concepts.
  • Communicate effectively with clients, manufacturers, and stakeholders throughout the design process.
  • Employ a responsible and ethical design approach, considering social and environmental impact.
  • The program offers a unique opportunity for students to collaborate with a diverse group of faculty and professionals from various design disciplines. Students will also benefit from access to state-of-the-art facilities and resources, including workshops, studios, and research labs.


The Furniture Design MA curriculum is structured to provide a comprehensive and rigorous understanding of furniture design. Students will engage in various modules that cover theoretical and practical aspects of the field. The program's core modules include:

Design Project Development (40 Credits)

This module focuses on developing research methodologies and applying them to the design development process. Students will work on a set project, learning to identify problems, research contexts, and present persuasive design proposals to clients.

Material Culture (20 Credits)

This module delves into the world of material objects, exploring their design, use, and cultural significance. Students will examine how individuals and societies value, collect, and interact with objects.

Project as Professional Practice: Furniture Design (60 Credits)

This module emphasizes professional development and design realization. Students will develop a fully-fledged furniture design proposal using industry-standard techniques, including comprehensive research, presentation materials, and effective communication strategies.

Research Methods: Success in Design (40 Credits)

This module explores a range of research methodologies and approaches applicable to design practice. Students will develop skills in identifying, evaluating, and applying suitable research methods to support evidence-based decision-making in their design projects.

In addition to the core modules, students can choose from a range of alternative core modules, including:

Charismatic Objects (20 Credits):

This module explores the emotional value and cultural significance of objects, analyzing how individuals relate to and imbue meaning in everyday items.

Design for Change (20 Credits):

This module focuses on the interaction between humans and designed environments, analyzing how design can affect behavior, thinking, and well-being.

Students will also undertake an independent Major Project (60 Credits) in the final year.

This project allows each student to specialize in an area of personal interest and conduct in-depth research to create an innovative and impactful design solution. The program's modules are delivered through a combination of lectures, seminars, workshops, studio work, and independent study. Students will benefit from close interaction with tutors and have access to various resources and facilities to support their learning and design process.


Assessment in the Furniture Design MA is based on a variety of methods, including:


Students will compile portfolios showcasing their research, written work, design development, and final projects. These portfolios demonstrate their understanding, creativity, and technical proficiency.


Students will present their work and research findings in oral presentations, allowing them to showcase their communication and public speaking skills.


Students will write essays on theoretical topics related to furniture design, research methodologies, and critical analysis.

Project work:

Students' major project will be assessed based on its originality, impact, relevance to the chosen theme, and effective utilization of research and design principles. The assessment process is designed to provide students with comprehensive and constructive feedback on their progress and development throughout the program.


The Furniture Design MA is taught by a team of experienced academics and industry professionals. The program benefits from a diverse faculty with expertise in various areas, including furniture design, research methodologies, material culture, manufacturing processes, and critical theory. The teaching methods employed in the program include:

Interactive lectures:

Lectures provide foundational knowledge and theoretical frameworks, encouraging student participation and discussion.


These smaller group discussions allow for in-depth analysis of specific topics, critical engagement with readings, and exchange of ideas among students and faculty.


Hands-on workshops offer practical experience in various design techniques, material exploration, and prototyping methods.


Individual or small group tutorials provide personalized feedback on student progress, guidance, and support throughout the design and research process.

Studio work:

Studio sessions offer dedicated time for students to work on their projects, receive guidance from tutors, and collaborate with peers.

Guest lectures:

Industry professionals and renowned designers are invited to share their expertise, provide insights into the current design landscape, and inspire students. This comprehensive approach to teaching ensures that students gain a well-rounded and diverse learning experience, fostering their critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and creative design potential.


The Furniture Design MA prepares graduates for a wide range of careers in the design industry and related fields. Some potential career paths include:

Furniture Designer:

Graduates can pursue careers as independent furniture designers, working with clients to create innovative and functional pieces. They can also work for furniture manufacturers, contributing to the development of new product lines and collections.

Interior Designer:

With their understanding of furniture and materiality, graduates can work as interior designers, creating aesthetically pleasing and functional spaces for residential or commercial clients.

Product Designer:

The skills and knowledge gained in the program can also be applied to other areas of product design, such as lighting, homeware, or electronic devices.

Design Researcher:

Graduates can specialize in design research, contributing to the development of new materials, manufacturing processes, or user-centered design solutions.


Some graduates may pursue careers in academia, teaching and researching in design schools or universities. The program also opens up opportunities for graduates to work as design consultants, freelance designers, or entrepreneurs, establishing their own design studios or businesses. The Furniture Design MA fosters a strong alumni network, providing graduates with valuable support and connections in the industry.

  • The program is offered full-time or part-time, allowing students to tailor their studies to their existing commitments.
  • Students have the opportunity to participate in live projects, exhibitions, and competitions throughout their studies, gaining valuable experience and showcasing their work to potential employers.
  • The University offers various scholarships and financial support options for eligible students.