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Tuition Fee
USD 8,500
Per course
Start Date
Medium of studying
On campus
12 months
Program Facts
Program Details
International Law | Commercial Law
Area of study
Education type
On campus
Full time
Course Language
Tuition Fee
Average International Tuition Fee
USD 8,500
Program start dateApplication deadline
About Program

Program Overview

Robert Gordon University offers the International Commercial Law degree pathway of the LLM Law programme, which introduces you to issues in international commercial transactions from different perspectives. It adopts a comparative approach to commercial issues in major trading blocs and other emerging economies.

The course has been designed to incorporate maximum flexibility both in the topics you cover and the way that you learn.

The course takes you through the formation of a contract, dispute resolution, compliance and other allied matters in contracts with foreign elements. It also gives you opportunities to study discrete areas of law like oil and gas and construction law.

Program Outline

This course involves the study of eight taught modules plus a dissertation on an International Commercial Law topic. Five subject related modules must be chosen in order to obtain an LLM Law and International Commercial Law degree.

If you do not hold an LLB degree of equivalent, you will be required to study the Legal Framework module.

The choice of modules for any one candidate may be limited by module availability in any particular year, by timetabling factors, by prerequisites that a module may have, by the limit on online modules that may be taken by international students for visa purposes, and for any other reason approved by the Head of School.


Modules and delivery order may change for operational purposes. The University regularly reviews its courses. Course content and structure may change over time. See our

course and module disclaimer

for more information.

Detailed module information

Learning Methods

You are able to choose whether to take only modules that are taught on campus in face to face classes or to add to the mix by taking online and on campus modules.

In full-time on campus mode, you will learn through a combination of lectures, seminars and workshop sessions. Access to our virtual learning environment, CampusMoodle, is also provided giving you access from home to learning materials (including videos, e-books and journals).

Activity Summary

  • Lectures

    - 15-30 students per group, 3 hours per week
  • Tutorial

    - 10 students per group, 1 hour per week
  • Forum Posting (Online Learning only)

    - 2 hours per week
  • Independent Study

    - 4 hours per week

  • How long is a Law and International Commercial Law course?

    The Law and International Commercial Law course at Robert Gordon University can be successfully completed within 1 - 3 years, in which the opportunity to receive the necessary skills are obtained.

    Staff Delivering on this Course

    You will be taught and supported by a teaching team which contains a balance of experienced industry professionals and high quality academic staff who will help create a challenging interactive environment for your study.

    All our academic staff are encouraged to work towards a Higher Education Academy Fellowship.  This is a professional recognition of an individuals practice, impact and leadership of teaching and learning.


    Please note the below provides you with an indicative summary of assessment methods for Full-Time On Campus mode. This may differ depending on modules chosen and other delivery modes.

    Typically students are assessed each year:

  • 2 written exams, typically for 3 hours
  • 8 written assignments, including essays
  • 1 dissertation
  • 1 presentation

  • Feedback

    We aim to provide you with feedback within 20 working days of hand-in for all written exams, coursework and practical exams.

    Independent Study

    You are required to engage in your own research as part of your weekly independent study time. Course preparation and private study typically calls for an average of 16 hours of independent learning per week.

    Academic Support

    The Inclusion Centre advises and supports students who disclose a sensory or mobility impairment, chronic medical condition, mental health issue, dyslexia and other specific learning differences. Applicants are encouraged to arrange a pre-entry visit to discuss any concerns and to view the facilities.

    The Inclusion Centre

    Online Learning & Support

    All undergraduate and postgraduate students, whether you are learning on campus or by online learning, benefit from using our collaborative virtual learning environment, CampusMoodle. You will be provided with 24/7 online access to your learning material and resources, along with the ability to interact with your class members and tutors for discussion and support.


    Study Skills Support

    The Study Support Team provides training and support to all students in:

  • Academic writing
  • Study skills (note taking, exam techniques, time management, presentation)
  • Maths and statistics
  • English language
  • Information technology support
  • Study Skills Support

    Library Support

    The Library offers support for your course, including the books, eBooks, and journals you will need. We also offer online reading lists for many modules, workshops and drop-ins on searching skills and referencing, and much more.

    University Library

    Job Prospects

    The LLM Law and International Law course will prepare you for commercial roles within different organisations both public and private. Previous graduates have gone on to work in top law firms or as legal advisers in banks, oil companies and government establishments.

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