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Tuition Fee
USD 15,250
Per course
Start Date
Medium of studying
On campus
12 months
Program Facts
Program Details
Religion | Religious Studies | Theology
Area of study
Education type
On campus
Full time
Course Language
Tuition Fee
Average International Tuition Fee
USD 15,250
Program start dateApplication deadline
About Program

Program Overview

About this course

Teaching secondary-age children is your chance to share your passion for your subject and inspire the next generation. Teaching children isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. Every subject is different, which is why we make sure our support is centred on subject-specific knowledge, up-to-date teaching practices and, most importantly, your specific needs as a trainee teacher.

Our PGCE Secondary Religious Education course prepares you to teach in the 11 – 16 age phase. It may be possible to gain experience of teaching post-16 during your PGCE and the qualification does not preclude you from teaching post-16 once employed. There are two stages to your PGCE Secondary Religious Education course.

Stage A – Introduction to teaching (September to December)

University-based training

We use an innovative and supportive model of training which means that not only are you getting school experience from the very early weeks of the course, but that support and tuition from University and subject experts continue until you are a highly-confident new teacher. So, in Stage A, after a short two-week induction programme, you will start a school placement three days a week, which then extends to four days a week. Every Friday however you’ll return to University for subject knowledge and applied pedagogy (SKAP) sessions (see below) and support from your tutor and fellow trainees on the course.

Professional Education Studies

Professional Education Studies is designed to give you an introduction and overview of important topics and issues which will inform your learning, practice and professional values. These sessions give theoretical insights and practical strategies to tackle issues that you will face in your school placements and in the early years of your professional teaching life.

Subject knowledge and applied pedagogy (SKAP)

In these sessions, our subject teacher experts will give you a good understanding of what it means to teach your subject. You will study the school curriculum, and understand how other expert teachers have taught it successfully. You will also learn how to plan sequences of learning that address the needs of your pupils so that you can develop your practice and have a positive impact on their learning.

School-based training

Whilst you continue to benefit from one day a week of University tuition, you will also start your first school placement, which will last until the end of Stage A. Our School Partnerships team will source your placements for you, taking into account your passions, preferences and personal circumstances. You’ll be allocated a subject tutor, who will work with you to ensure you’re prepared and ready to go into school. This will give you the chance to put into practice what you’ve learnt so far in a collaborative working environment. You’ll work closely with your subject mentor based in your school. Every Friday you will return to University to benefit from the support and expertise of your subject tutor, and your subject peer group.

Stage B – Developing your knowledge and preparing for your new career (January to June)

University-based training

Your University-based training will comprise the same elements as Stage A, but you’ll focus on building on the knowledge you’ve already developed to prepare for your next school-based training block. After an initial week at University, you will start your second placement in January. Every second Friday until Easter, you’ll return to University to continue SKAP tuition. These Friday sessions are a great opportunity to find out how different schools approach the issues you are facing in your teaching practice, share your experience with your fellow trainees, and continue to benefit from the expertise of your subject tutor.

School-based training

In January, you’ll start a second placement in a different school. This will give you the chance to deepen your knowledge of how students learn, and extend your practice in supporting that learning, in a new context. In this placement, you will continue to be supported by your University subject tutor, your school mentor and a link tutor who liaises frequently between school and University. This placement from January until June gives you the chance to develop your practice in a school, and with pupils that you will get to know really well. This gives you a very good opportunity to make a positive impact on progress in that school.

During your second placement, you will be teaching more lessons and ensuring that you’re teaching classes from across the full age range for which you are training. At this point, you’ll become more of an independent practitioner.

Program Outline


You will study a variety of modules across your programme of study. The module details given below are subject to change and are the latest example of the curriculum available on this course of study.

We believe that the most effective path to becoming an outstanding teacher is a gradual one, filled with plenty of support and opportunities to put what you’ve learnt into practice in two stages. Our PGCE Secondary courses have been designed specifically to provide supported development of your teaching skills and a gradual introduction to your new profession.

Each stage consists of a University-based training block and school-based training block.



A - September to December

Introduction to teaching

Three months of integrated training, in which you’ll spend three days a week, then four days a week in Stage A school. The other days will be spent learning with your peers, in order to support you to become a skillful and resilient teacher who is expert in Religious Education pedagogy.

B – January to June

Developing your knowledge and preparing you for your new career

You’ll start a second placement in a different school for Stage B. Ongoing support from, and fortnightly training days at University will continue until the end of Stage B. This stage includes targeted support and training to help you secure your first teaching job, alongside the development of your teaching skills.

In this placement, you will continue to be supported by your University subject tutor, your school mentor and a link tutor who liaises frequently between school and University.

Learning and Teaching

At Leeds Trinity we aim to provide an excellent student experience and provide you with the tools and support to help you achieve your academic, personal and professional potential.

Our Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy delivers excellence by providing the framework for:

  • high quality teaching
  • an engaging and inclusive approach to learning, assessment and achievement
  • a clear structure through which you progress in your academic studies, your personal development and towards professional-level employment or further study.
  • We have a strong reputation for developing student employability, supporting your development towards graduate employment, with relevant skills embedded throughout your programme of study.

    We endeavour to develop curiosity, confidence, courage, ambition and aspiration in all students through the key themes in our Learning and Teaching Strategy:

  • Student Involvement and Engagement
  • Inclusion
  • Integrated Programme and Assessment Experience
  • Digital Literacy and Skills
  • Employability and Enterprise
  • To help you achieve your potential we emphasise learning as a collaborative process, with a range of student-led and real-world activities. This approach ensures that you fully engage in shaping your own learning, developing your critical thinking and reflective skills so that you can identify your own strengths and weaknesses, and use the extensive learning support system we offer to shape your own development.

    We believe the secret to great learning and teaching is simple: it is about creating an inclusive learning experience that allows all students to thrive through:

  • Personalised support
  • Expert lecturers
  • Strong connections with employers
  • An international outlook
  • Understanding how to use tools and technology to support learning and development

  • Assessment

    At the end of each placement your school mentor, who will have supported you throughout your time in school, will assess your practice, using evidence from the whole of your time in school, including observations, lesson plans and marked work.

    You’ll complete a progress portfolio to collate evidence of your teaching practice. At the end of the course, we will use this evidence to show that you have met the Teachers’ Standards.

    You’ll also complete two level 7 Master’s assignments to test your ability to be critically reflective and research-led in your approach to teaching.

    Learning and Teaching

    At Leeds Trinity we aim to provide an excellent student experience and provide you with the tools and support to help you achieve your academic, personal and professional potential.

    Our Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy delivers excellence by providing the framework for:

  • high quality teaching
  • an engaging and inclusive approach to learning, assessment and achievement
  • a clear structure through which you progress in your academic studies, your personal development and towards professional-level employment or further study.
  • We have a strong reputation for developing student employability, supporting your development towards graduate employment, with relevant skills embedded throughout your programme of study.

    We endeavour to develop curiosity, confidence, courage, ambition and aspiration in all students through the key themes in our Learning and Teaching Strategy:

  • Student Involvement and Engagement
  • Inclusion
  • Integrated Programme and Assessment Experience
  • Digital Literacy and Skills
  • Employability and Enterprise
  • To help you achieve your potential we emphasise learning as a collaborative process, with a range of student-led and real-world activities. This approach ensures that you fully engage in shaping your own learning, developing your critical thinking and reflective skills so that you can identify your own strengths and weaknesses, and use the extensive learning support system we offer to shape your own development.

    We believe the secret to great learning and teaching is simple: it is about creating an inclusive learning experience that allows all students to thrive through:

  • Personalised support
  • Expert lecturers
  • Strong connections with employers
  • An international outlook
  • Understanding how to use tools and technology to support learning and development

  • Assessment

    At the end of each placement your school mentor, who will have supported you throughout your time in school, will assess your practice, using evidence from the whole of your time in school, including observations, lesson plans and marked work.

    You’ll complete a progress portfolio to collate evidence of your teaching practice. At the end of the course, we will use this evidence to show that you have met the Teachers’ Standards.

    You’ll also complete two level 7 Master’s assignments to test your ability to be critically reflective and research-led in your approach to teaching.

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