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Tuition Fee
Per year
Start Date
Medium of studying
On campus
73 months
Program Facts
Program Details
Radiation Therapy | Oncology
Area of study
Education type
On campus
Full time
Course Language
Program start dateApplication deadline
About Program

Program Overview

A flexible, distance learning pathway for qualified therapeutic radiographers designed to meet the continuous professional development requirements of health care professionals.

Use emerging technologies and more innovative and creative working practices to prepare become a specialist research-focused radiographer who will help revolutionise health and social care provision to better meet society’s changing demographic health needs.

6 reasons to study here


Online distance learning:

Study through online distance learning at a flexible pace to suit your career development and lifestyle.


Demonstrate continued professional development:

Enable continued professional development through independent and multi-disciplinary learning, thereby demonstrating maintenance of the standard of proficiency articulated by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and other relevant professional bodies.


Advanced radiography practice:

Develop advanced knowledge, critical reflective and clinical reasoning skills within the practice of therapeutic radiography, relevant to current and future roles within the context of UK and international health provisions.


Evidence-based practice:

Develop your research skills and critical thinking. Conduct a research project, laying the foundations for future research work and clinical practice as an evidence-based practitioner.


Emerging technologies:

Cover the latest theoretical and clinical developments relating to diagnostic imaging to better meet society’s changing demographic health needs by using emerging technologies and more innovative and creative working practices.


Promising Career:

LSBU Health and Social Care graduates are the second highest paid amongst all London Modern university graduates, and the sixth highest in the UK one year after graduating (DfE LEO data 2022).

This course covers...

The course has been developed to enable students to apply scientific, research, professional and technical knowledge to their role within radiotherapy and oncology and also the wider health care team.

The course offers education in the latest theoretical and clinical developments relating to radiotherapy and oncology. You'll gain the opportunity to critically reflect on theory, contemporary research, and evidence-based practice related to therapeutic radiography in order to inform your personal and professional practice and contribute to cancer service delivery improvement.

Program Outline

This post-registration programme in Radiotherapy and Oncology is intentionally flexible; overall you'll need to complete to PgDip level within 5 years, so that you are able to complete to MSc level within 6 years. The course offers a wide variety of modules (all distance learning) that focus on current and future practice developments.

PgCert - 60 credits

  • 60 credits made up of a selection of specialist modules
  • Research in Health and Social Care – 20 credits (Optional – this can be chosen as an alternative to one of the specialist modules)

  • PgDip - 120 credits

  • Research in Health and Social Care – 20 credits (Core)
  • 100 credits made up of a selection of specialist modules
  • A maximum of one non-specialist module may be selected as an alternative to one of the specialist modules

  • MSc - 180 credits

  • Dissertation - 60 or 40 credits - (Core)
  • Research in Health and Social Care – 20 credits (Core)
  • 100 or 120 credits (depending on whether you choose 40 or 60 credit dissertation) made up of a selection of specialist modules
  • A maximum of one non-specialist module may be selected as an alternative to one of the specialist modules

  • Module descriptions

    Core modules

  • Research in Health and Social Care – 20 credits

    The purpose of this module is to consolidate and extend your knowledge of research approaches and methods and enhance your ability to be a critical user of research evidence. We'll examine philosophical and theoretical perspectives underpinning health and social care research approaches including exploration of research design and key aspects of data gathering and interpretation of both qualitative and quantitative analyses. This module will develop your practical skills for identifying, critical reviewing and synthesising research evidence relevant to professional practice. Assessment: 4,000-word written assignment incorporating a detailed search strategy, a literature review and critical appraisal of the evidence in a clinically relevant topic of your choosing.

  • Dissertation - 60 or 40 credits

    This module enables you to plan and conduct an investigation of a topic that contributes to professional practice.  It provides the opportunity to apply an understanding of research methods to the investigation and allows demonstration of your ability to work with relative autonomy in undertaking a sustained, in-depth piece of independent learning.

  • Specialist modules

  • Clinical applications of radiotherapy treatment planning (20 credits)

    This module provides the students with knowledge and skills relevant to pre-treatment and treatment planning employed in the radiotherapy management of patients.

  • Motion management in radiotherapy (20 credits)

    This module provides students with knowledge and skills relevant to motion management in radiotherapy from pre-treatment localisation, treatment planning, imaging and verification processes in cancer patients’ pathways.

  • Radiotherapy patient on-treatment review (40 credits)

    This module is designed for therapeutic radiographers who undertake on treatment review of patients receiving radiotherapy and enables students to develop the underpinning knowledge and skills required to make accurate assessments of patients wellbeing in the context of radiotherapy treatment.

  • Hybrid Imaging in Radiotherapy (20 credits)

    This module provides students with knowledge and skills relevant to the use of Hybrid imaging (e.g. PET/CT) within the radiotherapy localisation process.

  • Image guided radiotherapy (20 credits)

    This module provides you with the knowledge and skills relevant to IGRT processes. You will be required to develop a critical awareness andunderstanding in image guided radiotherapy.

  • MRI – clinical applications in radiotherapy (20 credits)

    This module provides students with knowledge and skills relevant to the use of MRI within the radiotherapy pathway.

  • CT – clinical applications in radiotherapy (20 credits)

    This module provides students with knowledge and skills relevant to the use of CT within the radiotherapy pathway.

  • Expert / specialist practice (20 credits)

    For the following sites: Breast cancer, Gynaecological cancer, Head and Neck cancer, Prostate cancer, Palliative care. These modules are designed for Therapeutic radiographers who wish to embark toward specialist and expert practice (for the sites listed above) and enables advancement of knowledge and understanding of the advanced practice framework.

  • Non-specialist modules

  • Leadership and quality improvement for allied health professionals (20 credits)

    This module explores a range of leadership perspectives for AHPs, to develop leadership behaviours and change management skills. This module requires you to develop and present your own work-related quality improvement plan and submit a critical reflection, both of which are assessed components. 1: A 15-minute presentation, outlining a Quality Improvement plan and incorporating leadership approaches as part of implementation. 2: A 1,000-word academic reflection on your own learning in relation to leadership.

  • An introduction to counselling skills for health and social care professionals (20 credits)

    This module offers health and social care professionals, working in a variety of settings, the opportunity to reflect upon and further develop counselling skills to address the on-going issues pertinent to the current client population. The module will consolidate learning utilising a variety of models which place patients, clients and carers at the centre of care, using theory and clinical experiences to inform practice.Learning and enhancing counselling skills will enable students to better manage resources and support clients through their experiences of changing health or social needs. Assessment: 4,000-word essay.

  • Enhancing practice through work based learning (20 credits)

    This module allows you to investigate an area of your own choice, relevant to your field of practice. This module is delivered in the form of learning negotiated between the student, module co-ordinator and practice manager. You’ll develop a negotiated, study management plan with agreed outcomes (learning contract). The contract is largely student managed with tutorial support from the module co-ordinator. Learning contracts combine several elements of planning, especially setting objectives and outcomes, devising criteria and formulating action plans.

  • Mentorship for the allied health professions (20 credits)

    This module will be of particular interest to allied health professionals involved in mentoring students or staff. The module incorporates theory and practice to develop mentorship skills (communication, goal setting, assessment, feedback, and reflection) and knowledge (learning styles and theories, learning environment, professional, personal and practice development). Anyone undertaking the module will be required to mentor a student or colleague to promote integration of theory and practice. Assessment: 4,000-word reflective account of the experience of mentoring a student or colleague.

  • An introduction to teaching in higher education for allied health professionals (20 credits)

    This module will be of particular interest to those who are planning to work with students in higher education or who have an active interest in teaching in pre-registration allied health education. The module will critically examine a range of teaching and learning strategies and appropriate underlying educational theory. The module will acknowledge the learning experiences of students and will specifically address the diverse needs of the student population. You will discuss and evaluate the roles and skills of educators working in Universities and will have opportunity to prepare, plan and deliver a teaching session with students. Assessment: Part One: Taught session with lesson plan - pass/fail. Part Two: 2,000 word reflective evaluation - 100%.

  • Innovation for excellence – leading service change (20 credits)

    Recent policy developments put innovation and quality improvement at the top of the health and social care agenda, The focus on delivering high quality care, centred around the patient or service user is essential. Healthcare and allied health professionals now have the opportunity to make a tangible difference to their service delivery through the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competencies which underpin the leadership and management of service improvement. This Module explores key factors which together enable professionals to begin to critically reflect upon current service and to design and implement innovations and changes in health and social care services. You'll be able to explore theories and models of leadership and contemporary healthcare leadership models to develop understanding of the role of leadership in delivering a high quality service.

  • Ethics and law in professional practice (20 credits)

    This module prepares you to demonstrate an active leadership and consultative role regarding ethical/legal/professional issues and best interests decision making within all clinical settings. The module provides a legal and ethical framework for professional practice by developing a robust and analytical understanding of key legislation relevant to a variety of patient/client groups (service users) and an awareness of the ethical tension between the protective use of authority and the principle of empowering practice. A robust understanding of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, ethical and legal frameworks and appropriate clinical guidelines and policies will be developed along with a strong emphasis upon consultative, team working and decision-making skills. Key issues such as medical negligence litigation, consent/refusal of treatment and contemporary debates such as euthanasia, abortion, organ donation, the human genome project, cloning, behaviour control and other topical issues will be examined enabling you to demonstrate professional leadership regarding contemporary health and social care debates within society.

  • Intravenous administration of pharmaceutical substances for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes (10 credits)

    This module provides an opportunity for learning and skills development in intravenous administration to patients of drugs and other substances for the purposes of diagnostic and therapeutic interventions. The module will provide the appropriate theoretical background for practitioners to undertake intravenous injections, and allow practitioners to develop clinical expertise in intravenous injection procedures.

  • An introduction to economic evaluation for allied health professionals (20 credits)

    This module introduces the topic of economic evaluation and provides a basic critical, conceptual and theoretical understanding of the processes involved in economic evaluation.

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