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Tuition Fee
USD 32,912
Per year
Start Date
Medium of studying
On campus
36 months
Program Facts
Program Details
Mortuary Science | Naturopathic Medicine | Orthopedics
Area of study
Natural Science | Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries
Education type
On campus
Full time
Course Language
Tuition Fee
Average International Tuition Fee
USD 32,912
Program start dateApplication deadline
About Program

Program Overview

You will explore the full range of plant biology, from enzymes to ecosystems. You will gain knowledge of the diversity, evolution and function of plants and of the latest developments in functional genomics, bioinformatics, plant developmental biology, plant pathology, parasite biology, cell signalling, pollination biology, ecology, plant conservation and systems biology.

The course starts broadly and introduces more choice in years two and three, including a week-long field or laboratory-based unit and a ten-week practical research project.

The University's Botanic Garden is nearby. It was the first new university botanic garden to be built for 40 years and holds more than 4,500 plant species.

We have outstanding facilities in our state-of-the-art Life Sciences Building and our lecturers are world-leading researchers in their fields.

Program Outline

Please note:

It is possible that the information shown for future academic years may change due to developments in the relevant academic field. Optional unit availability varies depending on both staffing, student choice and timetabling constraints.

This section describes which Units you will take in which year of study. It indicates which units are mandatory and where you will be able to choose. The overall pass marks you will need to achieve in order to progress or achieve an award are shown. The full regulations concerning progression and completion are held in the University's Regulations and Code of Practice. Any particular aspects of your programme that are unusual will be highlighted. If any Units are must pass this will be shown below. The linked unit specifications detail any additional requirements.

  • Year 1 (2024/25 entry cohort)

  • Year 2 (2024/25 entry cohort)
  • Year 3 (2024/25 entry cohort)
  • Unit name Unit code Credit points Status Teaching Block
    Life Processes Part A BIOL10009 20 Mandatory TB-1
    Diversity of Life Part A BIOL10010 20 Mandatory TB-1
    Diversity of Life Part B BIOL10007 20 Mandatory TB-2
    Life Processes Part B BIOL10008 20 Mandatory TB-2
    Key Concepts for Biologists BIOL10002 20 Mandatory TB-1
    Units from the following list totalling 20 credit points. Please note the open unit chosen must take place in TB2:
    Current Topics in Biology BIOL10001 20 Optional TB-2
    Sustainable Development UNIV10001 20 Optional TB-2
    City Futures: Migration, Citizenship, and Planetary Change UNIV10005 20 Optional TB-2
    Creative Futures: Tools for Changing the World UNIV10007 20 Optional TB-2
    Understanding global problems using data: inequality, climate change and the economy UNIV10008 20 Optional TB-2
    Big Ideas in Science CHEM10001 20 Optional TB-4
    Introduction to Cognitive and Biological Psychology PSYC10013 20 Optional TB-2
    Science of Happiness UNIV10010 20 Optional TB-2
    Decolonise the Future! UNIV10009 20 Optional TB-2
    Choose open units OPEN 20 Optional
    Any other Level 1 UWLP (University-Wide Language Programme) unit - 20 credit points. Please see for more details.
    Certificate of Higher Education 120

    Progression/award requirements

    Unit Pass Mark for Undergraduate Programmes:

  • 40 out of 100 – for level C/4, I/5 & H/6 units
  • 50 out of 100 – for level M/7 units
  • For details on the weightings for classifying undergraduate degrees, please see the Agreed Weightings, by Faculty, to be applied for the Purposes of Calculating the Final Programme Mark and Degree Classification in Undergraduate Programmes.

    For detailed rules on progression please see the Regulations and Code of Practice for Taught Programmes and the relevant faculty handbook.

    Please refer to the specific progression/award requirements for programmes with a preliminary year of study, the Gateway programmes and International Foundation programmes.

    Exit awards

    All undergraduate degree programmes allow the opportunity for a student to exit from a programme with a Diploma or Certificate of Higher Education.

  • To be awarded a Diploma of Higher Education, a student must have successfully completed 240 credit points, of which at least 90 must be at level 5.
  • To be awarded a Certificate of Higher Education, a student must have successfully completed 120 credit points at level 4.
  • Integrated Master's degrees may also allow the opportunity for a student to exit from the programme with an equivalent Bachelor's degree where a student has achieved 360 credit points, of which 90 must be at level 6, and has successfully met any additional criteria as described in the programme specification.

    The opportunities for a student to exit from one of the professional programmes in Veterinary Science, Medicine, and Dentistry with an Award is outlined in the relevant Programme Regulations (which are available as an annex in the Regulations and Code of Practice for Taught Programmes).

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