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Tuition Fee
USD 18,880
Per year
Start Date
Medium of studying
On campus
36 months
Program Facts
Program Details
Pathology | Psychiatry | Oral Surgery | Periodontics | Literature
Area of study
Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries | Natural Science
Education type
On campus
Full time
Course Language
Tuition Fee
Average International Tuition Fee
USD 18,880
Program start dateApplication deadline
About Program

Program Overview

This course will teach you how to apply ecological sciences to the real-world needs of sustainable management and natural resource conservation across terrestrial and marine ecosystems. Current thinking in environmental management recognises the need for holistic practices which acknowledge the interrelatedness of the terrestrial and aquatic environments. As well as studying fundamental ecology, you will develop skills that allow you to assess the impact of policy decisions on management. You will be well prepared for the future job market as public and private sector organisations are increasingly paying attention to the sustainability and environmental impact of their operations. We offer a wide range of optional modules including forest ecology, environmental Policy, freshwater ecosystems, wildlife ecology and conservation, forest ecology, ornithology, primatology, Human aspects of conservation.

You will have the option of going on a weeklong field course to Tenerife or a longer tropical field course to Uganda. Our location, between the Menai Strait and Snowdonia National Park, offers unrivalled opportunities for learning about ecology, conservation and the natural environment outside the class room. This course is packed with field trips and practical sessions.

We have close links with many of the local conservation organisations including Snowdonia National Park Authority, Natural Resources Wales and the British Trust for Ornithology which help our students gain understanding of conservation practice.

Why choose Bangor University for this course?

  • TV presenter Steve Backshall is now part of our teaching team.
  • This course is the only one of its kind offered in the UK.
  • Our location is ideal for fieldwork – we are just metres from the seashore, with the mountains of Snowdonia National Park providing a spectacular backdrop to the city.
  • Close links with environmental bodies e.g. The Snowdonia Society, Natural Resources Wales and the British Trust for Ornithology.

  • Additional Course Options

    This course is available with a Placement Year option where you will study for 1 additional year. The Placement Year is undertaken at the end of the second year and students are away for the whole of the academic year.

    The Placement Year provides you with a fantastic opportunity to broaden your horizons and develop valuable skills and contacts through working with a self-sourced organisation relevant to your degree subject. The minimum period in placement (at one or more locations) is seven calendar months; more usually you would spend 10-12 months with a placement provider. You would normally start sometime in the period June to September of your second year and finish between June and September the following year. Placements can be UK-based or overseas and you will work with staff to plan and finalise the placement arrangements.

    You will be expected to find and arrange a suitable placement to complement your degree and will be fully supported throughout by a dedicated member of staff at your academic School and the University’s Skills and Employability Services.

    You will have the opportunity to fully consider this option when you have started your course at Bangor and can make an application for a transfer onto this pathway at the appropriate time. Read more about the work experience opportunities that may be available to you or, if you have any questions, please get in touch.

    This course is available with an International Experience Year option where you will study or work abroad for 1 additional year.  You will have ‘with International Experience’ added to your degree title on graduating.

    Studying abroad is a great opportunity to see a different way of life, learn about new cultures and broaden your horizons. With international experience of this kind, you’ll really improve your career prospects. There are a wide variety of destinations and partner universities to choose from. If you plan to study in a country where English is not spoken natively, there may be language courses available for you at Bangor and in your host university to improve your language skills.

    You will have the opportunity to fully consider this option at any time during your degree at Bangor and make your application. If you have any questions in the meantime, please get in touch.

    Read more about the International Experience Year programme and see the studying or working abroad options on the Student Exchanges section of our website.

    Program Outline

    The modules we offer on this degree use a wide variety of teaching methods ranging from lectures, practicals and fieldwork to seminars and tutorials. Seminars and tutorials concentrate on problem solving, study skills development and reinforcing material taught in lectures; their relaxed and informal atmosphere also encourages lively debate over current and contentious issues. In your first year you will take a number of compulsory modules which will set the foundations of your degree. In the second and third year you will be able to choose an increasingly higher proportion of the modules to suit your interests. This will also allow you to gain a set of skills and expertise that are unique to you. We asses you using a variety of methods with an average split of 60% coursework and 40% examination. All our modules make extensive use of our virtual learning environment, which provides direct access to learning resources, course documents and lecture notes. If you opt for the placement year, you will spend your third year working with a relevant organisation gaining valuable career experience.

    What will you study on this course?

    Year 1 + 2

    You will study 120 credits in each year of this course, through a range of lectures, tutorials, seminars and fieldwork. Our courses are modular. some compulsory, others optional, allowing you to expand your studies into new areas or develop specialisms.

    Final Year

    You will take marine conservation and exploitation as a compulsory module, and also work with a supervisor to design and carry out some original research. There is a wide range of optional modules including forest ecology, environmental policy, freshwater ecosystems, wildlife ecology and conservation, forest ecology, ornithology, primatology, human aspects of conservation. You have the option of going to Tenerife or Uganda for a week-long field course.

    Modules for the current academic year

    Module listings are for guide purposes only and are subject to change. Find out what our students are currently studying on the Applied Terrestrial and Marine Ecology BSc (Hons) Modules page.

    Course content is for guidance purposes only and may be subject to change.

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