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5 Reasons to Take a Master’s Degree Abroad

Study Abroad
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We all know that studying abroad comes with a lot of benefits, from broadening your mind and horizons to making the closest of friends, experiencing a new culture, and learning more about yourself. We also know that, in some cases, studying abroad can be more expensive than staying at home… But did you know of the benefits it can have on your career and earnings? Even better, do you know of the benefits that come with a master's degree from abroad?


If you’re looking to get your master's, but you’re not sure a degree abroad is the right choice for you, Educatly can show you what it really means.


Here Are 5 Reasons To Take A Master's Degree Abroad:

1. It doesn’t have to break your bank

While there is the preconceived notion that it can be very expensive, it doesn’t have to be. You can look for countries where living costs are more affordable than major cities, such as Ukraine, Turkey, Poland, Lithuania, and Russia. At Educatly, we have Master's opportunities at all price ranges. The most affordable one is in Turkey for around $2,000 or online at an American online university for $180/month. How's that for an affordable, worldwide accredited degree?


2. Get an international perspective

Living and learning in a new culture will make you surround yourself with all kinds of different people with different mindsets, nationalities, and cultures. This kind of experience is not only invaluable for your personal growth but also for your future employer. Many employers look for candidates with cultural and international awareness, so this will differentiate you from anyone else. 


reasons to take a masters degree abroad


3. Work experience abroad

Most countries allow postgraduates to stay for a couple of years in the study destination to find work experience. Whether it’s a few months or a few years, take this opportunity to learn as much as possible, as this experience will define your CV and career. Not only will you enjoy a higher salary than in your home country, but you will also enjoy all the job offers once you return home. 


4. Improve your English and language skills

There is no better way to perfect your English than immersing yourself in a life where you have to speak it daily. Your destination or the language of the country you’re studying in doesn’t matter; it will be the interactions with those around you that will level up this skill. Did you know that no matter your chosen country, ALL Educatly Bachelor's and Master's are 100% in English?


5. Discover a new country and culture

Moving to a new country can feel both exciting and scary at first. Having to start over somewhere new? That can be daunting... or a new opportunity in some people’s eyes. While you are heading there to get an education, you will not be studying 24/7. This means you will have time to explore, discover, travel, and explore your new country’s culture. 


Now that you know the 5 reasons to take a master's degree abroad, Educatly can help you find the perfect chance. Explore over 18,000 master's degree opportunities in 20+ countries now and start the rest of your life.

Don't forget to follow Educatly for more on studying abroad and education.

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