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2,000 Language Programs Abroad if You Love to Learn New Ones

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Learning new languages means getting immersed in a whole other culture, with other literature and a different life. If you love traveling and want to study abroad, then there’s nothing more suitable for you than to learn a new language and check out language programs abroad!


Language programs abroad

You can do it now and select one of many language programs abroad. Study in Ireland, Malaysia, the Philippines, Spain, Canada, Malta, Germany, the UK, the USA, or even the UAE. Educatly connects you to 2,300 diverse language degrees, so you can choose your favourite and apply NOW. The programs are offered by 225 universities from all around the world. So the only dilemma you might experience would be to choose one of all those amazing universities!


The programs offered include many bachelor’s degrees in:

1. Applied foreign language 
2. Arts in the Spanish language
3. English language & literature
4. German studies
5. Languages


You can also get your master’s degree in:

1. Bilingual Education
2. Chinese
3. English and Scottish literature
4. Italian, German, and French MLitt
5. Slavic languages
6. Spanish and French languages
7. Translation studies


language programs abroad


Or you can get your Ph.D. in one of those topics:

1. Applied linguistics
2. Chinese
3. Creative writing
4. German language
5. Scottish and English literature
6. Translation, Italian, Hispanic, Spanish And Latin American, and Russian and Eurasian Studies

If you want to take a short course in English (1, 3, 6, 9 months) in the United Kingdom or Ireland, we have you. Educatly has short intensive courses available for you, and they're perfect to practice your English skills before heading to university or starting a new job!


You’ll also find diverse job opportunities.

With a degree in languages, you will find diverse job opportunities. You can work at international political organizations, embassies, consultants, airlines, or cruise lines. You can be a teacher, an international banking officer, a linguist, a travel agent, a writer, a copywriter, a translator, or an interpreter! There are a lot of options, and you’ll be making a lot of money while doing something that you actually love.


Don’t hesitate to follow your dream. As a language enthusiast, check out many language programs abroad because getting your language degree would be the most suitable thing to do for YOU. 


What are you waiting for? Sign up to Educatly now, browse our programs, and select your favorite program!


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