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What is the Difference Between a Bachelor's and a Master's Degree?

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In the world of higher education, there’s a big difference between a bachelor’s and a master’s degree. While both are certainly important in their own way, each one offers unique advantages that set it apart from the other. For those considering enrolling in either program, it’s important to understand what sets these two degrees apart to make an informed decision. To Educatly, there are 3 major factors that differentiate them, and we’re here to share them with you. 


The Difference Between a Bachelor's and a Master's

1. Duration

A bachelor's degree typically takes four years to complete, while a master's degree usually takes two years. Of course, there are always exceptions to this rule, and some students may be able to complete their degrees in a shorter or longer amount of time.


2. Credits & Coursework

Another difference between the two types of degrees is the number of credits required. For a bachelor's degree, most students need to complete around 120 credits, while a master's degree generally requires about 36 credits. This means that students in a master's program will have more time to focus on their chosen field of study than those in a bachelor's program.


Difference Between a Bachelor's and a Master's


3. Focus & Content

In terms of content, a master's degree usually focuses on more specialized and advanced topics than a bachelor's degree. While both degrees may require the completion of a capstone project or thesis, a master's thesis is typically more extensive in scope than a bachelor's thesis, as a master's degree is designed to provide students with deeper knowledge and expertise in their chosen field than a bachelor's degree. 


4. Cost & Tuition Fees

The overall cost of a bachelor's degree is usually higher than that of a master's degree because of duration, and students would be paying more money for accommodation, books, and living expenses abroad. However, the cost of each type of degree varies depending on the school and program you choose, and a bachelor's degree generally will cost you less than half of what a master's degree costs.


It's also worth considering scholarships and grants when considering your degree's cost. There are many organizations and foundations that offer scholarships specifically for students pursuing a master's degree. These scholarships can help offset the cost of tuition and living expenses during your studies.


When to Get a Bachelor's Degree and When to Get a Master's Degree?

The most important factor to decide on your educational journey is career goals. For starters, a bachelor’s degree will give you the foundation you need for most entry-level positions, and it’s very important. If you have a bachelor’s degree and you want to get an executive-level position or a role in academia, then a master’s degree may be necessary.


Difference Between a Bachelor's and a Master's


Other factors to consider include your field of study, the cost of pursuing a master’s degree, and whether you have the time to commit to an additional two years of schooling. However, if you want to switch a field altogether, then you maybe should consider a bachelor’s degree in a new major. 


To start your study abroad journey, you can browse through 29,000+ bachelor’s degree programs all over the world and check out 24,000+ master’s degree programs. Or you can sign up to Educatly for free, update your profile with your preferences, and Educatly will connect you with the most suitable program for you. 


What are you waiting for? Start your study abroad journey now.

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