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The Best 5 Countries to Get Your Post-Graduation Work Permit

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After graduation, many students start to look for the perfect chance to work and start their careers. International students always seek out a chance to work abroad post-graduation and get a work permit. While this may not be easy to get in every country, and it might not be for everyone, there are some countries that make it possible for their students and the visa requirements for international students could be met. So, Educatly is here to explore the best 5 countries for international students to get their post-graduation work permits.


But First, How to Get a Post-Graduation Work Permit?

There are a few processes that international students need to follow in order to get a post-graduation work permit. For all countries, there are some shared visa requirements, such as:

  1. Completing a degree from an eligible institution.
  2. Having a valid passport.
  3. Having transcripts and proof of degree completion.
  4. Applying for a work permit as soon as they receive their degree, preferably within 90 days.


Here Are the Best Countries to Get Your Post-Graduation Work Permit:


1. Australia

Graduates from Australian universities often have an advantage when applying for jobs in Australia thanks to the government’s Post-Study Work visa program. Visa requirements for international students in Australia are easily met and they can enjoy up to 4 years working in Australia. Students can apply for a temporary graduate visa and stay from 2 to 4 years post-graduation. Bachelor’s and master’s degree holders can work for 2 years post-graduation, and research master’s degree holders can stay for 3. Meanwhile, PhD holders can work there for four years.


2. The United Kingdom (UK)

The UK offers diverse post-graduate work visas to students and the visa requirements are simple.  There’s the Tier 5 (Graduate) visa is for international students who have graduated from a UK university within the last 12 months, and it allows students to stay in the UK for up to two years to look for work. The Tier 2 (General) visa is for highly skilled workers who have been offered a job in the UK, and it allows students to stay and work in the UK for up to five years!


visa requirements for international students


3. New Zealand

New Zealand really encourages students to stay post-graduation and work there. The post-study work visa lets students stay up to four years. There’s also the work visa which international students can apply for and stay from a year to three years in New Zealand. Moreover, they can apply for a permanent residence visa after spending three years there!


4. Canada

Canada is one of the best countries in the world to get your post-graduation work permit. The country has a strong economy and plenty of opportunities for skilled workers. There are a few visa requirements for international students to meet in order to be eligible for a post-graduation work permit in Canada.


First, they must have graduated from a designated learning institution and completed an academic, professional, or vocational program that lasted at least eight months. Students can apply soon after they graduate and once they have the work permit, they can work anywhere in Canada for up to three years. Following that, they become eligible to apply for permanent residency.


5. Ireland

Bachelor degree holders in Ireland get a one-year post-study work visa, while master’s degree holders and PhD holders can stay for two years. The visa requirements for international students are very basic. An application form, letter, personal pictures, proof of degree completion, and if you already have a job, then you should submit a copy of the employment contract. 


Study and work abroad for a booming career and a bright future.



If you need help, just sign up to Educatly, update your profile, and seek help from our team to support you with applying to your study abroad program, or guide you with the visa requirements for international students!


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